It's supposed to be summer however the rain is back again! So I thought this week in the spirit of wellbeing I'd share a feel good story of true love to brighten up a dull Monday.
I have a cat called Louie who I've had for about 11 years and just down the road from us there is another cat called Bertie. I first noticed that Bertie always used to turn up in our garden but Louie would never chase him off like the other cats that live near by. Then more and more they would spend time together. Each day Bertie would wander up to our house and stick his head through the cat flap and then off they would both go for a wander together. I've never really known cats to have this kind of relationship as they usually seem to be quite solitary animals.
Bertie and Louie relaxing together
Not the greatest of photos but managed to catch them snoozing together
Bertie's owners then decided that they wanted to move house, we wondered how they would both cope being separated when we saw the sold sign go up. So moving day arrived and Bertie went off to his new home but a day later his owner came to say that Bertie had dashed out of the new house and was missing. He asked us to keep an eye out for him however we both thought it's not likely that he'd make it all the way back here. The new house was just over 5 miles away with lots fields and busy roads in-between. About two weeks passed and no sign of Bertie anywhere. We all felt really sad as Bertie was such a lovely character, and a little cheeky at times stealing Louie's food! So after us all being convinced that we had seen the last of Bertie, I had come in from a night out and let Louie have a late bite to eat when I noticed him acting weird; I then heard this funny little noise just like the one that we used to hear Bertie make…… and there he was!! He had managed to find his way back to his true love Louie. It really does put us humans to shame with our sat navs, we still can't believe that he managed to find his way back and negotiate some really dangerous roads on route.
Reunited :-)
Unfortunately Bertie's owners are on holiday at the moment so they don't know the great news that he's safe and well. So he's making himself at home with Louie until they get back. We just wonder if his love for Louie will drive him to make the long journey all over again when his owners come to get him……